I am grateful for beautiful endings and exciting beginnings

 Any mamas out there with a breaking heart? Summer’s over, school is starting up… and allllll the feelings that brings. 

My phone shot up this notification today. “I am grateful for beautiful endings and exciting beginnings.” On the IAmAffirmationsApp I felt it so much I screen grabbed my phone,  printed it out and stuck it on my bathroom mirror! 

Three years ago we started homeschooling, but before that my oldest hit the trails of bravery sending my heart, backpack in toe, on the big yellow bus every day. And I worried most days, some I stayed busy, others I was knee deep in routine. Mostly though, I missed him. 

Now you’d think that back to school ache would be lifted with our homeschool adventure, but it’s just changed. I now worry I’m making the right choice to keep them home, if I picked the right curriculum, if they’re missing something by staying home with mom. And my sweet husband said, at least they’re not stuck at school missing their mom. That sticks. 

You can’t have it all. You won’t win. Find the joy in what you have. Quit worrying  if enough summer fun was crammed in and start looking for fall fantastic and planing more adventure as you I’ve onward in the year. 

I went my whole life not liking the Fall for all the resentment that it ended summer! Truth is Fall is its own season to embrace and look forward to. 

I am grateful for beautiful endings and exciting beginnings. Look forward and Be Brave Mom. 


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