Here’s what our back to school looks like this week- homeschool


As a homeschool mom back to school after Christmas/winter break is different. There’s preparations, planning, little extras to make days seem fun. Oh and anxiety because the grind begins again… but excitement to move back in our routine, rhythm, groove.

So here’s what this week looks like:

Pj days; mass review games to wipe away cob webs, consistent blends, adding to 20,  money math, starting our new read aloud Skunk and Badger, beginning our new writing project 5W’s research of any topic! 

There’ll be spelling and handwriting, science experiment, and colonial settlements somewhere in there too. Oh and fun workout challenges to break it up.

I’ve made and laminated (because I have a laminator and yes I love it) cards for a Yes Day challenge getting 23 (for the year 2023 points goal) to hopefully motivate good behavior and focus.

It sure sounds like a lot. What I’m noticing, it is a lot , but if I do it right…they don’t feel like it. If I plan a bit and stay positive, they feel the smooth rhythm of their own course move along at their pace as o guide. And that’s my goal. 

Here’s to first week back. May the chaos be minimal, projects go easy, and coffee be strong. #bebravemom


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