Today just love them more…

 The world is confusing. 

Even if little hearts and minds are shielded from the reasons, the world is tipped on end and reflected in our eyes. 

So love those little hearts more. 

Let them know how silly and special their ideas are, and respect their likes, dislikes and opinions ( we know they have many). 

The truth is, kids see our demeanor far more clearly than we see ourselves, and they reflect it like tiny mirrors. The problem is, we often don’t like what we see and fail to realize we are seeing a side of our own selves. 

We scold those loud moments of bickering or fuss.  We smash the reckless mayhem riddled with dangerous tumbles. We grumble at the indecision and slowness to a task. 

So, love them more! These small reflections of yourself. Embrace the upset once in a while, you both may benefit. And give yourself some slack and maybe go to bed good time once in a while. Love yourself too while you’re at it. 


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