A walk down my driveway

After a particularly rough day in the mom trenches of homeschooling and balancing household chores with attitudes and sanity; I sometimes take the long driveway walk to get the mail. Today, despite the arctic-like Midwestern winter temperature, I bundled up and set outside to treat myself to a few minutes of blissful silence and solitude.

As I walked the icey pace of my long driveway toward the road, the sky gently cushioned itself on a pillow of gold and pink as the sunset beyond the woods that borders our drive.  I snapped a photo. Like a tourist in my own life, it has been a while since I paused to notice the sunset in my own yard. I continued the length of the drive and grabbed the pitifull junk mail letters cluttering my box, only to return home from my momentary retreat. 

That’s when I noticed. The soft sky and white snow framed our home perfectly in a quiet peaceful snapshot in time. As I walked toward the house, I gazed at the windows. I thought to myself, that’s the room where my daughter sleeps and dreams to wake me with stories of animals and princesses, that’s the playroom my son plays video games with his dad in every weekend, and in there lies a huge kitchen I get to bake with my kids in and do crafts that fill our walls, a place to wash their clothes and feed their bellies, hearts and minds. 

I smiled softly as I climbed back into my everyday a little more appreciative of what it all means. Thanks to a walk down my driveway. 


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