I like Fridays best!

Ever since we started this crazy homeschool adventure in September, I’ve tried to keep Fridays free! Not because we are lazy or too busy but because free is good, especially when you’re home. Sure we sometimes overlap and work on an ongoing project over the weekend, because it’s fun and we want to. Or sometimes I ask a few fraction games to be played/practiced on the I Pad before defending your home from zombies starts. But for the most part we are just home, no agenda, no school, just us on Fridays. 

It gives me a chance to clean and tackle laundry, take inventory on things if you will. It gives us a lazy morning with extra coffee on the couch, cartoons, playtime and imagination! 

Elaborate toy/game installations often result. Sometimes high speed wash basket roller coasters take off. Other times a slow zoned out marathon of pbs kids results. There are times I wonder if we should be “learning “ five days a week, and then I need to remind myself, Fridays are teaching my kids the most valuable lesson... to slow down. 

I hear the buses outside my house lately, their roaring motors seem to kick me right now, as if saying kids are expanding their bubbles and out here doing things. Then I look at my kids in our bubble and know they are home safe and loved. I tune out the bus noises with the giggles of my kids, no tears, no fear, just happy to be. 

I know everyone is doing the best thing for their family, and I know I am doing the best thing for mine. Being brave takes reminders sometimes, and reassurance too. Thankfully I can breathe deep tonight and be brave tomorrow. 


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