This one’s for Dad

For all the things that I do as a mom, and there is a lot; finder of toys, keeper of moments, maker of comfort, cleaner of messes, fixer of boo boos, and queen of snuggles... for all those things and more, as much as I hate to admit it, sometimes I fall short, and that’s where dad picks up. 

I am their 24/7 constant, and now more than ever I have become their old faithful toy, loved around the edges, semi predictable, but it’s dad that is their favorite new toy, for lack of a better analogy. 

When I get frustrated it’s he that steps up and distracts with a crazy game or a silly face. When I am confused on what to do, he’s the man that swoops in and calms us all down, and when mom just cannot be in two places at once it’s dad that saves the day by doing his best to take one kid’s crazy ideas and make it a reality! 

A Dad starts his journey at an 8 month disadvantage. Not knowing this little person as intimately as mom does, but that doesn’t stop him. He adores every part of you as you’re a part of him too. He understands you in a whole new and different way that only he can. 

He is Dad. Protector of princesses, wrestler of dragons, captain of tickle fights and parader of piggy back rides! He makes the best pancakes and never forgets the extra syrup. He gets all the iPads to work when they just won’t otherwise. He is strong and fearless in the eyes of all things gross and yucky! Safest arms to curl up in and watch a movie on a chilly night. Maker of camp fires and cooker of s’mores. Cutter of grass and creator of loud mower noises. Holder of hands and always a calm soft place to land. 

When I’m at a loss that is where he picks up ... I’ve never been a gamer and I just have no passionate interest in starting to be one, but my 8 year old son has got it bad for Super Mario and the like. I jumped on the truck and dinosaur band wagons of yesterday with him, but on this, it’s all dad who takes the remote and plays along side him. They are partners. That doesn’t mean my son is any less my #1 little guy, just that where I didn’t his dad did and I guess that’s true for a lot of situations.

Our family is so blessed to have two loving parents to support not only our kids but each other with time, care and love. I see how my husband has grown into being dad, I’m proud of him.... I am proud of us. Our family, like so many others is made up of people that all add to it’s dynamic, like pieces to a puzzle, we just don’t work apart, we are better together.

This Father’s Day I realize that being truly brave is recognizing those who help make you a great mom.  Those that hold your hand through the panic and celebrate each success you and your kids make, together. Here’s to all the dads that lift us up and support us to be the best moms we can be. I couldn’t do it without you, and I wouldn’t wanna try. 


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