My heart breaks when....

It seems I’m holding it all together just fine.  I got this grocery delivery thing down, E-learning is tricky but we are managing the groove of it all, I love being home, I’m finding ways to decorate and organize, and I’m even able to make my hair look good in it’s “growing out state.” 

Then it happens... you, my son, you get sad for no reason. You don’t even know why, or can’t seem to put it into words, but I know. Yes, it’s then that my heart breaks and no amount of craft projects, positive attitudes or otherwise can fix it. All I can do is be there, empathize, and maybe be a little sad too.

Everything is great at home! Pajamas all day on demand, tv, iPad, toys and jokes! We are together and no reason to leave. But recently I connected my now 8 year old to Facebook kids messanger and he loves swapping notes with a few close friends. I may be off, but he might just not realize all he’s missing until it’s there and then BAM! 

All I can do is remind him that he can and should be upset sometimes.  We all are and it’s ok! Honestly he’s doing amazing and should be incredibly proud of himself and us all for being positive and tackling his obligations and having fun. But it is ok to let himself get sad sometimes, let it out, and feel better. I do. 

I’m not saying I like it one bit, to see my son upset. As a mom you want to maintain happy,to fix what’s wrong. BUT...yes a big but at that.... I somehow feel better knowing he was so well in touch with this crazy situation to feel upset and to let that sit with him till he felt better.

Weather the storm mommas, our little ones are leaders in more ways than we could imagine. Let your heart break and heal with the tides of this pandemic roller coaster we are in.  Be Brave, and be proud you were brave, you did it ,they did it, we did it together! And I’m confident we will do it again.


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