Just keep cleaning ...

Are you stress... 
... cleaning? Yes
.... baking? Yes
... shopping? Sort of 
... organizing? Yup
... redecorating? Ummmm ya!

Not that doing any of these things is out of my normal, but lately I notice that when my anxiety level is climbing I am cleaning. My husband affectionately refers to it as rage cleaning... lol but it’s cleaning just the same. Kids get a little iPad time to veg out and forget the world and I hustle. 

My house is big and with everyone home all the time it doesn’t hurt to dust, vaccume, flip the couch cushions... clean the toilet, wipe the counters, swifter the floors - it’s all good, right?

The odd part is that I would much rather be “rage cleaning” than sitting still, because then I pick up my phone, to an isolated world by COVID and read Facebook comments of either beaten medical workers, silly mom memes, or irresponsible families mocking ‘social distance’. I find more news stories of tragedies and tired medical workers begging the public to stay put. I check my online grocery delivery service and see no more windows are open to get my things. I feel the stress build and I keep cleaning. 

Don’t get me wrong, clutter and calm are something that crash over our home like waves. But on a more stressful/stress filled Monday morning where the pressures of sustaining a family in conditions outside your norm can feel like too much .... I clean.


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