Stay at Home – Mom

Stay at home mom has taken on a whole new meaning in the past week. As quickly as a toddler can change its mood, our worlds have also changed. For some the idea of staying home can be daunting, for others (like me) a reprieve, but no matter where you sit it’s a change for everyone’s routine. 

As parents we are naturally on guard. Watching out for dangerous objects, activities, coughs and colds that could otherwise hurt our kids or slow down our routines. But the decision to quarantine households was made for us without much warning and now it’s up to us to decide what to do with it. 

I have to admit I was initially on information overload, feeling overwhelmed by the idea of a global pandemic, as well as the sudden task of three weeks with at home school work, no leaving the house, and yes keeping my two kids from fighting constantly.  After processing, I realized quickly that I am so grateful my kids are home and safe, that this scary time can instead be reframed as an amazing memorable opportunity, and most of all reminded myself to be brave for my kids, as I do in other situations. Great moms shine under pressure and all moms are great to their own kids in their own way! 

The echoing word disrupted in all our lives is routine and that’s where I’d start to get back on track. Develop a general routine for the week that works for you. Prioritize those things that must get done each day and about when they can be done. For example, E-learning is now part of most moms must dos and I am fortunate to have a super second grader with the sweetest teacher. I realize that this schoolwork at home is different for him too and that he may need some parent help, therefore to start I try to have him do his work during my younger daughter’s nap so he can have all my attention. I’m also trying to stay organized by jotting a few ideas for the next day each night, like a project, a meal to make and any responsibilities I need to remember to do. Remembering that each day is all ours for the most part and to take the pressure off, what must be done is stay home and healthy. 

I also realize that home is not school, but my kids love when we do a project together. I try to have a project in mind that can be fun for both my kids.  We have a make things box of art supplies and clean recycling bin for crafts, baking a new recipe together, or we recently made bird feeders with Cheerios and pipe cleaners and hung them outside for spring. With Pintrest and Target Drive-uppickup at your fingertips a simple milk carton birdhouse or pompom/paper bag puppet is only a few clicks away! 

I also give you permission to use technology! I’m the first person to limit time spent watching TV, playing iPad or video games, but I also can be right at the front of the line to preserve household sanity, sitting still, and rewarding tasks and good behavior. We are home and toys can be rotated, arts and crafts explored, but the technology resources out there right now are amazing! 

In our home we’ve started by using my son’s classroom favorite GoNoodle to get the energy out with educational style dance parties in our pajamas. I’ve also added great iPad apps like PBS Kids games, Epic, Raz Kids, Toca Boca, Pic Collage, Stack the States, and Brain Pop Jr to use. There is also unprecedented online access to the world due to the recent crisis and you now have the ability to hear stories read to you by an astronaut in space, receive drawing lessons from Mo Williams, or participate in daily animal chats from zookeepers at the Brookfield and Cincinnati Zoos! You can also access museum virtual tours and print coloring pages from over 100 art museums! Take advantage of doing these activities with your kids, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and a great way to be together. And please as a parent do not feel guilt for a little more iPad or video game time. Our kids’ routines are disrupted  too and this is one way they can easily escape for awhile. Last note on technology use it to connect with text, calls, FaceTime and photo sharing. Just because we’re all home doesn’t mean we’re not in this together.

I love having my kids at home. Despite the circumstances, this is an opportunity to eat ice cream sundaes at lunch, make slime or homemade playdoh, put on a puppet show or create a movie theater in our living room and introduce them to my favorite childhood classics! Make this a time to relax at home together as a family. Make this a time to make memories. I will be enjoying just staying home, letting the house get messy, playing in our yard, making cookies and home cooked meals, and holding my family close and safe through this uncertain time. In no time our routines will be back in swing, and we will all bravely venture back into a new normal. For now, Be Brave out there moms.

For more links and resources available to help you go on an adventure from home visit

I’m Rebecca Barker… mom of two, wife and writer. I’ve lived in New Lenox most of my life and excited to share some of the adventures that go along with being a mom. Skip the nap, grab a snack, get creative and Be Brave Mom. For more follow me @bebravemom2 on Facebook; @Be_Brave_Mom on Twitter and
 As appeared in the Thursday 4/26/20 New Lenox Patriot


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