A sky to pause for...

My son was playing in the kitchen tonight after school. I looked over because his dialogue between stuffed animals paused, and so did he. He was just still looking out the kitchen window. I stopped myself from saying something like what ya looking at? Or you ok? I just watched as he stared a few minutes and then continued on his play. It was the clouds I think that caught his eye. That time of day the sky was so many shades of blue, purple and pink as the sun began to dim. The huge cloud in the sky over our area pond had broken into many puffs of a glowing puzzle. It was very windy out and these cloud pieces seemed to move across the sky at a recognizable rate. The combination of this sight is what I can only guess caught the eye of my playing seven year old long enough to pause and enjoy. I didn’t ask him if it was, but I just enjoyed that my little guy paused


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