We almost didn’t..

Do you ever catch yourself wanting to just go do something with the kids but instantly play out every scenario of failure and decide it isn’t worth it? ... me too, but not today. Today we bravely bundled up in full boots, pants,jacket, hats, scarves, mittens and more. Today I took my kiddos on a snow adventure in the backyard! We almost didn’t do it. It was cold and wet. Still sort of snowing. I’d be all by myself with a 3 and 7 year old in the snow, as my husband had to work. Oh and I was basically at my wits end with temper tantrums, sad sack moments and utterly crazy misbehavior all morning. Who would’ve guessed it was just what we needed to turn the day around?! I’m not bragging but the snow was like an amazing wet pack-able mush that we rolled into ... to quote my son... “the best snowmen ever!” We stayed outside so much longer than planned, making an entire snow family, snow angels and of course snow ball fights. Then with pink cheeks and smiles, we returned in the house for hot chocolate.
My only regret is I started pork chops in the crock pot that morning and really wanted to order pizza and crash lol 😂. But I filled so many tanks today and to think I almost didn’t, but I was brave and I’m glad I did!


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