Fear of the Digital Overload

I love my phone. In fact, I’m using it right now to write this.  I’m on it without thinking, need diapers? Click! How fast does a turkey run mom? Let me look, Click! So why am I so very scared of my kids being on iPads and video games and the like for “too long” ????

Is it because I didn’t have that type of thing growing up and therefore they must draw and play with legos and action figures and dolls to have a wholesome childhood? Or is it society pushing guilt on anyone who gives their kid their phone to watch baby shark in order to feed them vegetables for a change?

I honestly struggle with this, as my kids LOVE their iPad and ninitendo. Some days it’s the highlight of their day. Some days they ask to play it when they’re board or finished with an activity. Some days I use it as a reward /bribe. Some days I need to get something done and they get extra time. And yes, some days...most I sit down and play with them...and I enjoy it!

Growing up is hard for little people.  I don’t know if I should listen to the societal guilt or just my gut. For now I’m going to go with Sheryl Crow... “if it makes you happy,it can’t be that bad!” And let my kid have the iPad or play the game, and guess what? They still want to draw, play action figures, read with me, bake and create... but now they are also dreaming up their own new video game and how it’ll work and market and expand! I’m thinking that’s pretty cool. Be Brave... even letting go and trying to let them do their thing can be an adventure.


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