You’re Fired Mom!

You’re Fired! Is what I heard as I greeted my son off the bus. He didn’t say that, he reminded me that I forgot to pack his take home folder today, but I felt like I failed.  
Truth is his younger sister threw a huge fit as we were packing up to catch the bus and I didn’t put his folder in his backpack. For those moms who say he should’ve got it himself, I ask you if you could function normal as a tiny person screams inches from you as you’re preparing to leave home for the day? So no I don’t blame him on this one. It’s no ones fault but in that moment I felt like I failed him for the day and worried that it set his world a tilt from then on.
Worse yet, I never noticed the purple folder staring at me all day from the laundry room shelf, and further guilt set in. 

A few moments later, all home and settled, the folder was no big deal, and much like my younger daughter’s monster fuss this morning, the storm had passed. 

Sometimes I envy how deeply my kids can fuss and how rapidly they recover. 

Leaving me wrecked for the remainder of the day ... they bounce ( figuratively of course) but I always forget ..... 

So I suppose I’ll keep my position for today. And I’m sure I won’t forget that folder anytime soon either.


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