Loosing it

Are you sitting there, can't sleep, riddled with "mom guilt" over yelling, lost your cool.... aka loosing it?   

I’m trusting that this isn’t uncommon among moms ... and that I also feel equally certain that I hate it. 

There’s something about caring so very much about your kids and being together so very much that must disconnect my “think it before you say it” response at times ? I can semi-clearly look back at a moment when I got mad and cringe at myself more for yelling about whatever it was that ridiculous type thing they did.  Ironically I will cringe far more at my overreaction than at said ridiculous thing my kids did or didn’t do. Why? because as moms we hold ourselves up to a higher standard in our heads and excuses like, it was a long day, pure exhaustion, bad moods or just plane had enough...can fill a page.  At the end of the day if you’re worrying about loosing it you’re a better mom than you realize. If you’re going to do anything, know this moms... 
You’re not alone if you yell when :
  • no is said but they do it again anyway 
  • you don’t want to have naked time just get dressed this morning 
  • need that tantrum to happen not in the middle of the street
  • wanting the meal you made with them in mind to be eaten without negotiation tonight
  • burping occurs in your sister’s face 
  • It’s not safe to poke the running air conditioner 
  • You have literally had enough

Trust me it’s ok - you hold it together through a lot.  This awful feeling won’t last,  it just reminds you to do better - you are already.  Be Brave Mom- you got this.  Now think hard and find one, maybe even ten, things about your day that you're grateful for. I bet at least seven are brought to you by those very kids you love so much.  


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